The Negative Impacts of HVAC Systems on Commercial Roofs

Is your rooftop HVAC unit putting extra pressure on your roofing system? Is it not? Somewhere deep, you know the answer. Furthermore, people in Denver, CO, will likely overlook this issue when the room temperature remains comfortable. Anytime you might need a commercial roofing service for an immediate solution. Reroof America Contractors have some vital information to share through this post.

Is water pooling getting more prevalent beside your HVAC unit? That’s an indication of a new disaster that property owners in Denver, CO, might not want. It’s your roofing system that has to go through the disastrous impact. So, we needed to warn you ahead of the “It’s Too Late” situation. Let this blog reveal the common challenges HVAC systems invite for your roof.

The Roof’s Foot Traffic

It seems so convincing to let go of uncomfortable temperatures in your rooms by installing an HVAC unit on the rooftop, right? However, you might be overlooking some devastating issues. For instance, if you do any work on the HVAC unit, it may directly impact your roofing system. So, what can be the solution to this problem? You must opt for regular inspection and timely maintenance of your HVAC unit. Wait! We forgot an essential factor: foot traffic. It can ruin the roof’s membrane if the professionals are unaware of the proper protocol. Hence, you must hire experienced commercial roofing experts to access the roofing system safely.

Inadequate Installation

Despite the roofs having a “high quality” tag, HVAC units can significantly burden them. According to the professionals of Reroof America Contractors, incorrect installation of the unit can lead to roof deterioration, intensifying the tension. Therefore, you should install the HVAC unit in the presence of a reputed commercial roofing contractor.

Water Pooling Complication

People in Denver, CO, often witness leakage in their roofing systems. They can blame their HVAC unit for this consequence in two ways. First, a faulty unit can make water vaporization more complex. Second, improper installation of the HVAC unit can lead to low spots and cracks, inviting “water pooling” issues.

The Solution: You can overcome this deterioration issue by allowing expert HVAC technicians and roofing contractors to perform the inspection.

Hello Quality Roofing!

Is the search for an excellent quality roofing service continuing? What if we say the seeking ends here? Let the pros of Reroof America Contractors reveal their 40+ years of professionalism on your project!