The Facts You Should Verify Before Hiring a Roofer

Hiring a roofer is always a tough job. You cannot just search companies and call them for a roof inspection or repair You have to verify a few facts like their background history, reviews and clients’ testimonials, their license, insurance plan, etc. Your roof is an important element and if you hire a roofer without verifying everything, then you may suffer in the near future.

Which Type of Facts You Should Verify?

First, you have to check if the contractor has registered themselves as a professional of the industry. If they cannot show you the proof of registration, they cannot work legally. You can ask the roofing company to show their orange card. Actually, the card contains a lot of information including the registration number of the contractors, the expiration date of the registration, the name and address of the representative of the company etc.

You can check from authentic government websites to know about the company in detail. You can also check BBB to know the detailed information after checking valid registration with the state. The companies which have a history of good quality and better customer service, only these companies are accredited by BBB. Remember, if a company gets an A+ rating, that means they have a reputation for providing a good customer experience.

If the roofer claims another license to you, then you should check the credentials. You can verify the manufacturer's credentialed contractors by searching under the name of the contractors.

After primary research, you have to verify these facts. The following are:

  • You should not follow the certificate if the company directly gives you a certificate of insurance.

  • You can ask for local references so that you can verify their work quality by yourself.

  • You should know about the whole process like the supervisor, the processing time, systems and products, cleanliness, sample contract, warranties and payment schedules.

Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional roofer, then you should contact ReRoof America Contractors. They can provide services including residential, commercial, roofing installation, replacement, repair, roof inspection, reduce hail and storm damage, help to claim insurance to meet your needs at an affordable budget in Oklahoma.