Roof Replacement or Re-Roofing- Which One To Select?

Roof Replacement or Re-Roofing- Which One To Select?

Deciding between roof replacement and re-roofing can be challenging. Each option has its advantages and drawbacks. Understanding each process and knowing when it's the appropriate choice is essential. This knowledge can save time, money, and future headaches. Whether dealing with minor leaks or significant damage, knowing your options is crucial for the best roof installation in OKC.

What Is Involved in a New Roof Installation?

Roof replacement means removing the entire existing roof system and installing a new one. This process includes tearing off all old shingles, inspecting and replacing the underlayment, and fixing any structural damage. Roof replacement ensures that all components are in good condition and ready to protect your home.

Roof replacement is a comprehensive solution. It addresses all potential issues, from hidden damage to outdated materials. If your roof is old or extensively damaged, or you plan to stay in your home for many years, roof replacement is often the best choice.

When Is the Right Time for a Roof Replacement?

Several signs indicate the need for a roof replacement. The two most important signs for new roof installation are that your roof deck has serious problems and your shingles and roof are deteriorating. If your roof is over 20 years old, it's likely nearing the end of its lifespan. Frequent leaks, missing shingles, and visible sagging also suggest it's time for a new roof. Additionally, extensive water damage or mold growth inside your home signals serious issues that roof replacement can solve.

Metal roofing in OKC can extend the lifespan of a roof significantly, but even the best materials need replacement eventually. Regular inspections can help you identify problems early and plan for a roof replacement before a minor issue becomes a major headache.

What Is Re-Roofing?

Re-roofing involves adding a new layer of shingles over the current ones. Manufacturers typically recommend this process only once during your roof's lifespan. It's important to apply re-roofing to the entire roof rather than just a small section. While it is more affordable than a complete roof replacement, re-roofing is suitable only for specific situations.

When Is Re-Roofing a Smart Choice?

Re-roofing is suitable when the roof is in decent shape but showing signs of aging. It's also ideal for budget-conscious homeowners needing a quick fix. Other than that, if it has some small leaks or minor issues but no significant water damage, missing shingles, or extensive moss or mildew.

Homeowners with metal roofing should be cautious with re-roofing. Metal roofs are durable and long-lasting but require proper care. Adding another layer might not be feasible with metal roofs, as it can interfere with their design and function. Re-roofing isn't suitable for heavily damaged roofs, as it may only mask problems, leading to more severe issues. Although more expensive, new roof installation resolves underlying problems, providing a long-term solution.

What Advantages Does Re-Roofing Offer?

Re-roofing provides extra protection without extensive repairs, revitalizes your roof's appearance to enhance curb appeal, is a fast and straightforward procedure, and is more affordable than a full roof replacement. Re-roofing can also enhance your home's curb appeal. A new layer of shingles can make an old roof look brand new.

What Is The Longevity of a Re-Roof?

The lifespan of a roof can vary greatly based on the materials used. Tile, slate, and Copper roofs are recognized for their longevity, often exceeding 50 years. Wood shingle roofs typically endure for up to 30 years, while fiber cement shingles generally last approximately 25 years. In contrast, composition roofs or asphalt shingles typically require replacement after roughly 20 years.

Upgrade Your Roof with Reroof America Contractors!

Choose Reroof America Contractors for exceptional roof installation in OKC. Our team delivers hassle-free experiences, from consultation to completion. With years of expertise, we specialize in roof replacement and re-roofing, offering tailored solutions for your needs and budget. Whether it's a complete overhaul or a simple refresh, trust us to cover you.