Noticing Mold Growth in the Ceiling? Hire Roofing Experts!

There is no doubt that roofs are the first line of defense against natural phenomena. As a result, you may notice various problems in the roof, such as leakage problems and cracks over time. When water penetrates the roof for a more extended period, mild mildew thrives there quickly.

That's why you should contact an expert residential roofing company immediately if you notice signs of leakage problems in the roof, including dampness on the ceiling, dripping water, and peeling paint. If you don't act on time, the situation becomes more serious, leading to costly repairs.

Why Does Your Roof Have a Leakage Problem?

According to research, more than 1000 tornadoes occur annually in the United States. That means your house becomes exposed to harsh climatic conditions such as strong wind, heavy rain, snow, ice, and devastating storms such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and hailstorms.

After a storm, you may not always notice damage to the roof. But in most cases, the shingles get devastated and water penetrates through the cracks. Also, hailstorm damages the roof severely and leakage problems for a long time contribute to mild and mildew development.

What Are the Symptoms of Mold on the Ceiling?

Primarily the leakage issue starts from the attic of your roof. Homeowners rarely opt for roof inspections. But how to understand whether your roof has mold problems as well? You may notice signs like yellow or brown discoloration circular patterns, which means mold thrives in the attic. Keep in mind that mold develops in specific regions only.

How Long Does Mold Develop on the Roof?

In general, mold develops on the damp areas of your roof. Within 24 hours of having a leakage issue, mold will start to thrive and within 12 days, decay will occur on the surface, floors and walls. After 18 days, you may notice its presence in your house. Contact a residential roofing expert to fix such issues whenever you see them.

Does Mold Growth Affect Your Health?

Mold and mildew growth harms the house's structural integrity and negatively impacts your overall health. . You may notice allergic reactions such as:

  • Red and watery eyes

  • A sore throat

  • Sinusitis

  • Chest tightness

  • Wheezing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Dry skin

  • Skin rash

When these allergic reactions occur more often and home remedies are ineffective, contact a residential roofing expert to repair leakage problems.

Act Carefully and Immediately

If you live in Minneapolis or other regions of the state, there is always a chance of mold and mildew growth. You should hire residential roofing experts at least once every year to determine whether there is any leakage or another issue. In this way, you can avoid costly repair and replacement. Contact us at Reroof America Contractors in MN if you have any queries regarding residential roofing costs.