How Many Myths About Metal Roofs Are Actually True?

How Many Myths About Metal Roofs Are Actually True?

Ever heard that metal roofs are noisy, rust-prone lightning rods that cost a fortune? Think again. These myths might have you second-guessing a metal roof for your OKC home, but don't let misconceptions hold you back. We're here to set the record straight and reveal the truth about metal roofing. Prepare to be surprised as we bust those myths wide open, revealing the numerous benefits and advantages that metal roofing can bring to your Oklahoma City home. Get ready to learn why roof installation in OKC might be your best option.

Cool Down with Metal Roof Installation - Debunking the Summer Heat Myth

It's a common misconception that metal roofs turn homes into ovens during scorching summers. However, this notion couldn't be more inaccurate. When considering roof installation, metal roofs emerge as a top contender for energy efficiency.

Unlike asphalt shingles, which soak up the sun's rays like a sponge, metal roofs excel at reflecting solar energy. This reflective property bounces up to 70% of the sun's heat away from your home, ensuring a cooler interior. Imagine your car's metal hood on a hot day—it cools down rapidly once parked due to its reflective nature.

The poor solar reflectivity and low emissivity of asphalt shingles make them a less desirable choice for energy-conscious homeowners. These shingles absorb and retain heat, leading to a significantly warmer house compared to a metal roof.

Investing in a metal roof installation is an excellent step towards a more comfortable and energy-efficient home, particularly in regions with hot climates. So, bid farewell to the myth and embrace the coolness of metal roofing.

Debunking the Metal Roofing Rain Noise Myth

The notion that metal roofing creates a cacophony during rainfall is a misconception. Proper roof installation and material selection can make your metal roofing as quiet as any other roofing type. Factors like the thickness of the coating and texture significantly influence noise levels.

Uncoated or corrugated metal might be louder, but modern stone-coated metal roofing products, with their sound-absorbing granules, provide exceptional tranquility. Additionally, a complete roof assembly with insulation and underlayment further dampens any potential noise from rain. So, don't let this myth deter you from choosing a durable and stylish metal roofing option.

The Truth About Metal Roofing and Rust

Rust is not an inherent characteristic of all metal roofing materials. Whether or not your roof rusts depends on the metal type and protective measures. While steel roofs, being iron alloys, can rust, they are often galvanized or coated with a zinc-aluminum-silicon blend for rust resistance.

This protective layer acts as a barrier against corrosion, ensuring your roof remains strong and durable for years. Aluminum plays a vital role in maintaining this barrier, while silicon improves the coating's adhesion, preventing it from chipping or peeling during the manufacturing process. So, rest assured that with the right metal roofing choice and proper installation, rust won't be a concern for your roof.

Strike Out the Lightning Myth - Metal Roofing and Electrical Safety

Does metal roofing attract lightning? Not at all! While metal conducts electricity, it doesn't increase the likelihood of a lightning strike compared to other roofing materials. In fact, considering roof installation in lightning-prone areas, metal roofing is a smart choice due to its non-combustible nature and Class A fire resistance rating.

In the event of a lightning strike, metal roofs act like a giant lightning rod, safely channeling the electrical charge to the ground, minimizing the risk of fire. Unlike combustible materials like wood or asphalt shingles, metal roofing offers superior protection during thunderstorms. So, rest assured that choosing metal roofing won't make your home a lightning magnet.

Investing in the Future - The Real Cost of Metal Roof Installation

The idea that metal roofing is always more expensive is a half-truth. While the upfront cost might be higher than asphalt shingles, evaluating the long-term value reveals a different story. Metal roofs are a wise investment due to their exceptional durability and longevity.

Here's a breakdown of average lifespans:

  • Wood: 15-20 years

  • Asphalt: 12-20 years

  • Clay or Concrete Tile: 50 years

  • Metal: 70+ years

Not only do metal roofs last two to three times longer than asphalt, but they also boost your home's value by up to 6%. Considering their extended lifespan and potential for increasing your property's worth, metal roof installation is a decision that pays off in the long run.

Ready to Rethink Your Roof? See the Benefits of Metal Roofing in OKC

Don't let outdated myths hold you back from experiencing the advantages of a modern, durable, and energy-efficient metal roof. Reroof America Contractors specializes in roof installation in OKC, providing top-notch service and expertise to help you make an informed decision.

Contact us today if you are looking for metal roofing in OKC. Learn how a metal roof can transform your home into a comfortable, stylish, and weather-resistant haven.