Commercial vs. Residential: Roofing Differences to Decipher

On this beautiful and bright day, we will shed light on some common misconceptions. We will look at the crucial differences between commercial and residential roofing. So, if you are a person who usually thinks that they are the same, read this article with care. After reading this, we think you will hardly have unresolved queries regarding the two types of roofing.

How Residential Roofing Differs from Commercial

Both residential and commercial roofing has a lot of things in common. For example, you use both to protect your property and manufacturers use similar materials to build both types of roofing. However, there are also some differences between these two types. These are some aspects where the difference between the two types of roofing is most prominent.


Usually, commercial roofing projects are considerably larger than residential projects. That mainly happens because of the type and size of the buildings each type of roof covers. Residential roofs cover personal properties and houses, whereas commercial roofing lies over huge factories and warehouses.


Commercial roofs come with a considerably low slope as opposed to residential roofs. Sometimes commercial roofs are also built flat. Doing so has several benefits, like easier access during maintenance projects.


The cost of the two types of roofing is one of the most prominent differences between them. Because of the size of the projects, commercial roofing costs are considerably higher than residential roofing.

Roofing Materials

We have already told you that both roof types use a few similar roofing materials. However, there are a few cases when you need unique roofing materials for special projects.

Roof Maintenance

Commercial roofing requires at least two maintenance a year. Due to the size of the roof, the process of commercial roof maintenance is often costly. Residential roofing also needs about two services a year. However, because of the size of the property, its maintenance costs are less than commercial roofs.

Roof Design

Houses are the dream projects for proud homeowners. That is why, if a homeowner has a unique design in their mind, the roof will have to meet their expectations. As a result, you will surely see a few residential roofs with steep slopes and many valleys. However, there is no room for such playfulness in commercial roofs. Here the designs are incredibly simplistic, and the slopes are minimal, if not flat.

Time to Obtain the Roofing Support

By now, you should have a clear conception of both types of roofs; it is time to get the support you deserve. And if you are looking for residential roofing in Minneapolis, then Reroof America Contractors are the people you must contact. We house some of the best roofers in the country. All our roofing professionals have relevant training and experience. With our help, your roofing project will be complete in a flash. And the best part is the whole project will be within your budget.